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Outstanding pupils of HKCMS schools applying for IFT get extra points

中文摘要 / Summary in Chinese

IFT and the Hong Kong Association of Chinese Middle Schools (HKCMS) signed this month an agreement to promote the enrolment at IFT of outstanding pupils of schools belonging to the association that wish to enter higher education.

The partnership between IFT and HKCMS is meant to increase cooperation and exchanges in education between Macao and Hong Kong.

The agreement provides for heads of schools belonging to HKCMS to nominate 5 pupils each for admission to IFT. The pupils nominated will be given extra points when their applications for enrolment at the Institute are assessed.

The agreement says IFT will arrange for pupils of HKCMS schools to attend seminars, career development workshops and interviews for places at IFT. A quota of places at the annual IFT Summer Camp will be reserved for pupils of HKCMS schools.

IFT has been increasing its efforts to find new students outside Macao. Prior to the 2017/18 student intake phase, representatives of the Institute took part in several activities in Asia with a view to promoting the education the Institute offers.

Hong Kong is one of the main places where IFT is trying to find new students. Representatives of the Institute have visited several high schools there so far this year. The Institute has also welcomed pupils of many Hong Kong schools that wished to tour its facilities.