Course Code THES413
Credits 6.00
Hours / Week 3

Prerequisite: All students enrolled in THES413 must have completed prerequisite e-Module (Year 3) to be eligible for Topic Selection.

Course description:

Throughout the academic year, students will work individually, under the guidance of their supervisor, to complete a 7,000-10,000 word research-based Thesis/Project. Over the course of the academic year, which is divided into 3 cycles, students will conceptualise,design and implement their Sr. Thesis/Project. By the end of this course students will understand how to clarify their research question(s) and/or hypothesis, demonstrate understanding of existing research relevant to the topic, implement a clear plan for collection and analysis of primary data to address the research question(s)/hypothesis and draw conclusions that contribute to the existing body of literature in the respective field and/or decision making and practice of local organisations.  Students will be required to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) Guidelines for Ethics in Research, in all aspects of the research process (writing, interaction with the public, data collection and integrity in acknowledging the contribution/ideas of others).  As well, they will be challenged to ensure accuracy and clarity in the written formulation of their final product as well as conform to formatting specifications (refer to THES413 Template).

So as to enable students to have access to ongoing feedback on their research development, there will be 3-Draft Assignment deadlines for feedback at the end of each cycle (S1-WEEK 9 {Introduction / Research Question(s) or Hypothesis / Literature Review}, S2-WEEK 3{Methodology including: rationale / reliability & validity of data collection instruments and/or process / strategies for analysis} and S2-WEEK 3 {Analysis of primary data / Discussion / Conclusion / Abstract}).  The final submission of the completed Sr. Thesis/Project will be in WEEK 12.  All submissions will go through Turnitin to verify originality of the work and ensure proper acknowledgement was given in citing the works of others (Note: a similarity report exceeding 20% in the final submission disqualifies the student’s work from being marked).  The Final Thesis/Project submission will be made in S2-WEEK14.

While throughout the course all assignments are formative and designed to develop skills/knowledge and provide students with sufficient feedback and guidance throughout the process, THES413 candidates must ensure that they complete all items on the THES413 Assessment Checklist, for failure to complete even one will result in THES413 Disqualification.
