Alumni Sharing Session: "The Inspiring Journey of Entrepreneurs: From Start to Success"

The IFTM cordially invites CAM alumni to deliver a sharing session entitled "The Inspiring Journey of Entrepreneurs: From Start to Success." More than 40 participants from various IFTM programs attended this valuable session. The invited alums include Chef Scott Leong, Co-Owner and Head Chef of Le Pic; Chef Maggie Im, Founder and Head Pastry Chef of Ning Patisserie; and Chef Victoria Che, Founder and Head Pastry Chef of Bricks Coffee.

The chefs shared numerous essential experiences from their entrepreneurial paths with the current students, ranging from motivational advice to realistic financial problems. However, one crucial factor emphasized was "Quality." Without first-rate quality, any other action that can significantly enhance business growth and stability will be ineffective. It was also mentioned that restaurant prices have already been influenced by Macau society. While it should not be costly, setting prices too low raises suspicions among the public. The 1-hour sharing session covered many other significant ideas, leaving all students grateful for the invaluable experience. It is hoped that in the future, current students will apply the concepts they have learned to run their businesses and return to share their thoughts with future students.
