Industry Expert Lectures Risk Management in Events and Exhibitions(Português)

Macao's MICE expert Mr. Keyvin Bi visited IFTM's Tourism Event Management class and conducted a guest lecture to a group of Year 4 undergraduate students on March 9th. The lecture, titled "Managing the Top 10 Risks in Events", was part of the student's Event Risk Management, which is a core course from the program.

Mr. Bi is the managing director of China-Macao Resources Advertising & Exhibition Co., Ltd, a leading exhibition management company in Macao. Meanwhile, he is an active practitioner in the event, advertising, and e-commerce industries in Macao and the GBA region.

Mr. Bi shared his comprehension and experiences in managing risks and crises in organizing events and exhibitions. He summarized the 10 most commonly happened risks and crises, and explained strategies that can be applied to manage them. During his presentation, Mr. Bi invited students to share their views and experiences on event and exhibition operations. He encouraged them to participate and gain more direct experiences in event practices. Connecting the knowledge from books and classes with professional practices is of the essence for career success, he said.

"The Covid pandemic brings new crises and challenges to the MICE industry, it provides the chance for the industry to rethink its general development modes and how can we manage the risks and challenges more proactively and systematically", explained Mr. Bi. He noted that more businesses and clients have increased their attention and efforts to risk management.

Students in attendance expressed that the lecture had been a fruitful experience, stimulating them to advance their understanding of event management topics.

The lecture was invited by Dr. Joe Yong Zhou from IFTM's School of Hospitality Management. Learning from leading industry executives and professionals is one of the promises in IFTM's experience-based learning strategy, which features the Institute's curriculum and is well-welcomed by students and varied stakeholders.