Motivational Talk by Chef Au Yeung

During the sharing meeting, Chef Au Yeung provided insights into his extensive three-decade tenure within the sector. He commenced his career in his adolescence, commencing with modest beginnings. However, he displayed unwavering determination and a willingness to acquire knowledge from minor setbacks. Through persistent training and diligent endeavors, he assumed the role of Director of Culinary Operation (Chinese Cuisine) Jade Dragon, guiding the team toward attaining three Michelin stars. During the collaborative session, we accessed the kitchen and sampled the distinctive culinary creations prepared by Chef Au Yeung's crew.

During the Q&A session, several students inquired about selecting between work and pursuing higher education after graduation. Chef Au Yeung provided valuable guidance. He also shared his perspectives on the advancements in the food and beverage industry in Macau and other regions. Chef Au Yeung's excitement for this job is evident in his sharing. He divulged all the significant and minor anecdotes he has undertaken since entering the sector. He would provide a rationale for each decision when confronted with many options.

Participating in this sharing meeting is a tremendous honor for all of us, as it will significantly assist the students in my future career planning.
